May Lawn & Garden Tips
In the Garden
- Keep the Color Going. There's still time to plant annuals for spring and summer enjoyment. Plant hot weather loving annuals such as Zinnias, Marigolds, Celosia and Portulaca now and continue…
- Tomato Time. Keep tomatoes on a regular watering and fertilizer schedule for a bountiful harvest through summer.
- Go Crazy with Veggies. Now is the time to plant all summer vegetables including okra, pumpkin, sweet potato, eggplant, peppers, peanuts, watermelon, black-eyed peas, butter peas, butter beans and more.
- Plant Now, Enjoy Year After Year. Now is the perfect time to plant long-blooming perennials like daylilies, coneflowers, and Shasta daisies.
- Go Tropical. Plant tropical vines at your mailboxes for bright flowers all summer. Try climbing Mandevilla or bougainvillea.
- Feeding Time. Fertilize roses and azaleas now to encourage a second bloom, and continue feeding them on schedule through the month of June.
- Water-Wise, Weed-Free Gardening. Mulch all garden beds well to help regulate soil temperature, retain moisture, and keep weeds at bay.
- Shield Yourself from the Sun. Make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen when playing in the dirt.
In the House
- Move Outdoors. Houseplants can now reside outdoors for the summer. Place houseplant containers in an area that receives partial shade - not direct sun.
- Feeding Time. Continue feeding your houseplants monthly and water as needed.
For the Lawn
- Fertilize Centipede Lawns. One application per year is all that is required.
- For Fescue and Warm Season, Lawns use Infuse Granules to prevent or control diseases.
- Sow Warm Season Grasses. After mid-month, sow warm-season grasses such as Bermuda and centipede now. Eliminate Weeds. Use weed killer on lawns only if the temperature is above 70 degrees F.
- Stop Fire Ants. Use Amdro on Fire Ant mounds then treat mounds with an insecticide 48 hours later.
For the Birds
- Drive Hummingbirds and Butterflies Crazy with Miss Huff. Hummingbirds will go crazy for Miss Huff Lantana. Plant under feeders to give hummingbirds a special treat.
- Fill Feeders. Fill feeders with a variety of different seed to attract a variety of birds.
- Nest Kit. Create a nest kit for the birds by filling an empty suet feeder with nesting material such as yarn, hair, and lint from the dryer.