Patriotic Summer Container Gardens

Video: Patriotic Gardens
Patriotic Summer Container Garden - 3 Ways
Full to Partial Sun Project
Time: 30 Minutes Per Container
From Memorial Day in May, through July 4th, and to Labor Day in September, summer is chock full of patriotic holidays. Here are three container garden designs that can show off your love for the red, white and blue all summer long. Choose any type of container that fits your style and budget, but red, white or blue glazed pots will really highlight the patriotic theme. For all potted gardens, use Pike Potting & Container Soil, which will provide proper drainage and has wetting agents to make sure your pots don't dry out too quickly. When planting, add a handful of Dr. Earth Root Zone organic starter fertilizer to prevent transplant shock and jumpstart root growth for healthy plants. Then, keep your pots blooming all summer by feeding them once a month with Dr. Earth's organic Annual Bloom fertilizer.

Design # 1

- A - Ivy, variegated
- B - Caladium, red
- C - Papyrus
- D - Salvia, blue
- E - Angelonia, white
- F - Lobelia, blue

Design # 2

- A - Agapanthus
- B - Begonia
- C - Caladium, white
- D - Evolvulus
- E - Creeping Fig
- F - Vinca, white

Design # 3

- A - Petunia, red
- B - Salvia, blue
- C - Lobelia, blue
- D - Geranium, red
- E - Evolvulus
- F - Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost'
- G - Spider plant