Best Perennials For Fall
Best Perennials For Fall

Abundant daisy-like blooms of lovely purple and lavender hues grace the garden late summer up to the first hard frost. Popular with monarch butterflies! Remove spent flowers to encourage new blooms throughout the season. Plant in full to partial sun.

A bushy perennial with abundant small blooms in bright yellow and gold. Pinch off spent blooms to encourage repeat-blooming all through fall. Waterwise, deer resistant and attracts birds and butterflies to the garden. Plant in full sun.

Tall blooms of pink, red, yellow, purple and more will last late spring to late fall! It attracts butterflies and other pollinators, and the fall seeds will bring the birds. Deer resistant and waterwise. Easy to grow - great choice for beginners. Plant in full sun.

Fluffy looking plumes of tiny yellow flowers are eye-catching in the late summer/fall landscape. A tall, slim plant that makes a good upright "thriller" in a container garden. Waterwise, attracts beneficial insects and provides nectar for butterflies. Plant in full sun.

Lantana varieties 'Mary Ann', 'Miss Huff' and 'Chapel Hill Yellow' are perennial. They'll provide clusters of bright yellow, yellow-pink and golden red blooms respectively. Lantana is a bushy plant that makes an ideal "filler" in container gardens or a medium-sized perennial backdrop to your annual garden bed. All varieties require full sun, are deer resistant and will attract butterflies and other pollinators to your yard.

Japanese Anemone
Long-lasting blooms will last 6 to 8 weeks late summer into fall. A tall plant that reach 2 to 4 feet high. Resistant to disease, insects, rabbits and deer. This plant can spread, so keep it contained in a pot or be sure to provide adequate space for it to grow. Plant in full to partial sun.

Also known as Black-Eye Susans, these cheerful perennials feature abundant golden-yellow blooms with brown centers, reminiscent of sunflowers to which they are related. Waterwise, deer resistant and attracts pollinators and birds. Different varieties can reach varying heights, from 1 foot to 9 feet tall. Easy, low maintenance and disease resistant! Plant in full sun.

Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
Large heads of long-lasting rusty-pink flowers will fade to copper as they age, providing fall color that inspires its name. This succulent perennial, a type of stonecrop, is waterwise and low maintenance. Resistant to disease, pests, rabbits and deer. It also attracts birds and butterflies. Plant in full sun.